The days are still short, the temps are still low and things still appear dull, dormant and leafless. But February is wrapping up, March is knocking and it brings along spring with it’s warmth, reawakening and of course outdoor music. We have a saying that live music is where the magic happens and we hope you come and find it true. Beagle Creek Bluegrass is continuing to add new dates so keep checking the show tab on the website or click the envelope to recieve email updates and to see the newest members or submit your own to the Honorary Order of the Kennel.
Speaking of which, the HOK has been receiving such a high volume of new member requests that things are backing up. We will post the new pics a few at a time, in order to give each new member their proper dues.
These next two members came under the sponsorship of fiddlesqueaker1970, and while these are posthumous additions to the kennel we welcome both Wilma and Ruthie. Girls, you’re gone but not forgotten.
Wilma, an impression of a sled dog. Ruthie: This bone is mine. There are many like it, but this one is mine
We leave you with one more new Kennel member. He comes to us sponsored by the electric maple man himself who says that this boy outwits him on a daily basis. Says the maple man, “That’s one dern smart dog.” Here he is folks, meet Rusty.
Rusty. One smart dog